Low clouds

美 [loʊ klaʊdz]英 [ləʊ klaʊdz]
  • 网络低云
Low cloudsLow clouds
  1. Further up , the weather changes — low clouds envelope the mountainsides , which are covered with thick grass .


  2. As the frequent rain squalls and low clouds were unfavourable for air action , Phillips resolved to press on .


  3. Apparently , there were some low clouds in the area ,


  4. Low clouds project on the hills .


  5. Low clouds over Shanghai on Friday made it difficult to see the top of the new tower .


  6. Low clouds and patchy rain are forecast for tomorrow .


  7. Low clouds cloaked the mountains .


  8. The crowd , seething beneath a sky of low clouds , erupted in anger .


  9. The few land masses that jut from the low clouds are covered with hostile jungle .


  10. This new telescope monitoring system can be applied to many airport remote targets such as birds , low clouds , and some abnormal objects .


  11. Low clouds forced Lieutenant Vladimir M.Malinin to descend to2,700 feet before dropping his bombs over Berlin .


  12. The Hall was surrounded by heavy , low clouds , which opened now and then to show the grim , cold moor and its wet , grey rocks .


  13. Especially when low clouds float around the red lights at the top of the bridge , the most beautiful and romantic scenes appear around dusk and bring inspiration to photographers .


  14. And even in Sweden 's south , with up to seven official hours of daylight on the shortest day of the year , the sun is often masked by low clouds and never pushes far past the horizon .


  15. When the surface emissivity or skin temperature is difficult to be made sure , the polarization - difference method shows advantages of providing estimates of LWP , especially for low clouds because of its extremely insensitiveness to the surface skin temperature .


  16. Making use of the high time resolution of stationary satellites and the moving characteristic of clouds , the method improves the detection performance of low clouds and thin clouds and then is of high application value in the operational cloud detection of stationary satellites .


  17. Despite their bewilderment , the people of the archipelago got on with their lives and watched in wonder as year after year the fortress grew , until the low clouds grazed its upper reaches and its blackened walls seemed to swallow the sunshine ;


  18. If you are travelling by the airports today , delay is expected in the northeast though they are sunny right now , have minor delays in Miami , Fort Lauderdale due to the winds and San Francisco , some low clouds and some fog .


  19. Since low thick clouds are not transparent to radiation ...


  20. Professor : Well , high thin clouds contribute to heating while low thick clouds cool Earth .


  21. When it uses to detect low thin clouds , the atmospheric gas attenuation should be corrected .


  22. An increased area of low thick clouds , the type that reflects a lare portion of solar energy back to space and cools the Earth .


  23. A thousand live bats fluttered from the walls and ceiling while a thousand more swooped over the tables in low black clouds ,


  24. The waterfall , along with the valley , underground river , forests , low hanging clouds and mist creates a magical place to escape the rat race .


  25. Well , the current hypothesis is that these microorganisms produce a chemical , dimetho sulfide that interacts with the oxygen in the air , creating conditions that lead to the formation of the low thick clouds we observed .


  26. The fog had almost dissolved by the end of the second hour , but the day was still dark with low , oppressing clouds .


  27. THE sky is low , the clouds are mean , A travelling flake of snow Across a barn or through a rut Debates if it will go .


  28. The results of simulation and preliminary experiments show that for low and middle clouds , the sky Tb observed on the ground is very sensitive to the variation of CBH , therefore it can be used to estimate CBH .


  29. Low ceilings ; low clouds ; low hills ; the sun is low ; low furniture ; a low bow .
